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About Me

I WORK at Glendale Adventist Medical Center Play to Learn Outpatient Pediatric Center. If you can say that, you don't need speech therapy. Christine says she has many brothers and sisters because I call them "my kids". My schedule of 8 to 12 allows me to help out at Christine's school a couple of days a week.
I KNOW what's important. After last year's 4 outpatient surgeries, and a diagnosis of breast cancer on September 1, 2009, there is no question about priorities: My God, my family, my health and each moment of my life lived fully.
I ENJOY cooking Indian food, taking walks, repurposing old items found at garage sales and thrift stores, paper craft (see my art at, my daughter and love songs.
I LOVE time with Tom, and family vacations.

Favorite Books

Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD

The Curse of the Good Girl:  Raising Authentic Girls with Courage and Confidence by  Rachel Simmons

The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa

The Other Side of You by Salley Vickers

The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge, M.D.

Playground Politics:  Understanding the Emotional Life of Your School-Age Child by Stanley Greenspan, M.D.

Inner Work:  Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth by Robert A. Johnson

Hand-Me-Down Dreams:  How Families Influence Our Career Path And How We Can Reclaim Them by Mary H. Jacobson

Raising Self-Reliant Children In a Self-Indulgent World:  Seven Building Blocks for Developing Capable Young People by H. Stephen Glenn and Jane Nelsen, Ed. D.

Mirroring People:  The New Science of How We Connect With Others by Marco Iacoboni
