Here's the latest...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April Showers...2010

What a Gloriously beautiful sunny day! It's been cold and rainy for so many weeks--uncharacteristic for southern California for this time of year. The sun was welcome.

But what started as "Lets plant a vegetable garden" turned into the "Duarte rock quarry dig". This area is known for it's rock quarrys and now I REALLY understand. After planting the veggies, I thought I'd prepare the whole garden for flowers by just turning over the soil, and ended up digging for a good hour.

There is a cactus garden in the far corner. I used the aloe vera for my skin during radiation treatment.

Tom's love, roses, have been cut back, but 3 remain against the wall.

The plan is to plant wild flowers in the rest of the ground.

We are in competition for space now that Christine and I have suddenly become gardeners.

I don't really have vegetable growing skills, but it's worth a try. We dug, dropped in seeds, covered , watered and pray for a dignified crop of beans, cucumbers and carrots.

Cross your fingers for a future blog post that shows ACTUAL veggies growing out of the ground.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oreo and Dalilah

Our kittens, Oreo and Dalilah

DALILAH: the party animal...

crazy in every way...

and entertaining

OREO: spiritual...

and fastidious

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gilbert and Tombstone, Arizona, April 2010

Dick and Elthea Leuch

This was the best trip to Arizona! I appreciate my family more than ever. On the way home, I remarked to Christine and Tom how hard Papa works--making 3 meals a day, keeping the house and cars running and taking Oma to doctor appointments. Christine said, "Thats what you do when you love someone". She then informed us of her future plans. She is going to get a house near the beach, build an extra room, and let us live there. She will take care of us so that we don't have to go to a nursing home. Who could ask for anything more from a daughter?!I was able to spend time with my little sister Ellen on our trip to Tombstone. What an upbeat attitude she has. Not much gets her down. Her interior decoration abilities are impressive.Gwen, my older sister was an absolute doll, not to mention gorgeous! I need to take fashion tips from her. (She wore the CUTEST gold sandels that day). She took Christine out to the movies with her cousin Steven at the last minute on Saturday night. I can always count on Gwen to find something fun to do. Hey! She should be a recreation director!

This trip was mostly for Oma because she hasn't seen her granddaughter in about 2 years since her hip problems keep her from traveling. We were able to spend a full day with her. As usual, I "putzed" around in her art studio. She told us stories of her time in Germany and England. I get my sense of humor from my mother, who always has a good joke to tell.

On the way to Tombstone we stopped in Tuscon to meet the Leuch's for the first time. Richard (Dick) Leuch is Tom's "first cousin once removed". They welcomed us so warmly and made us feel like family almost immediately. Dick told us some VERY interesting stories about Nana (Tom's grandmother, Dick's aunt) and her family. As soon as I can get a photo of them from Tom's camera, I'll post it. They live in a lovely mobile home community and travel extensively in their motor home.

Cousins Steven and Kevin (Aunt Gwen's sons).

The front yard of Oma and Papa's house. Beautiful cactus.

Tombstone, Arizona city hall

One of the main streets in Tombstone

In Tombstone. Aunt Ellen is in the middle.

Silver mine tour that Christine and Daddy enjoyed.

The Frau Howell Streusel Kuchen baking lesson. Christine and Mom had attempted baking it but it didn't turn out like Oma's. So Oma took them through, step by step, captured on DVD for Christine and her children, and their children...

Papa whipped up a spaghetti dinner for us Saturday night. Aunt Gwen lives nearby and joined us.

We usually stop at Cabazon along the 10 freeway to see the giant dinosaurs each time we visit Arizona. It is unbelievable how windy it is there.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gilbert and Tombstone, Arizona, April 2010

This was the best trip to Arizona! I appreciate my family more than ever. On the way home, I remarked to Christine and Tom how hard Papa works--making 3 meals a day, keeping the house and cars running and taking Oma to doctor appointments. Christine said, "Thats what you do when you love someone". She then informed us of her future plans. She is going to get a house near the beach, build an extra room, and let us live there. She will take care of us so that we don't have to go to a nursing home. Who could ask for anything more from a daughter?!

I was able to spend time with my little sister Ellen on our trip to Tombstone. What an upbeat attitude she has. Not much gets her down. Her interior decoration abilities are impressive.

Gwen, my older sister was an absolute doll, not to mention gorgeous! I need to take fashion tips from her. (She wore the CUTEST gold sandels that day). She took Christine out to the movies with her cousin Steven at the last minute on Saturday night. I can always count on Gwen to find something fun to do. Hey! She should be a recreation director!

This trip was mostly for Oma because she hasn't seen her granddaughter in about 2 years since her hip problems keep her from traveling. We were able to spend a full day with her. As usual, I "putzed" around in her art studio. She told us stories of her time in Germany and England. I get my sense of humor from my mother, who always has a good joke to tell.
The Frau Howell Streusel Kuchen baking lesson. Christine and Kathleen had attempted baking it on their own, but it didn't turn out like Oma's. So Oma took them through, step by step, captured on video for Christine and her children, and their children...

My dad whipped up a spaghetti dinner for us Saturday night. Aunt Gwen lives nearby and joined us.

We usually stop at Cabazon along the 10 freeway to see the giant dinosaurs every time we go to Arizona. It is unbelievable how windy it is each year we stop there.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter socks...

...from Uncle Michael. Aunt Karleen gave her Mary Englebright socks (I think I'll borrow them).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Our Easter day began with church at Christian Assembly in Eagle Rock. We returned to prepare for the arrival of Josephine and Michael for dinner. Here is the happy crew!

Today was also Dalilah's 3rd birthday. She attentively watches Christine open her gift, a catnip ball.

The Easter bunny still visits our house.

A close-up of the beautiful German Easter eggs that Oma sent us last year...

....and we used Oma's gorgeous blue onion plates.
